Research Focus:
Microclimates in the Inland Northwest
Research Abstract:
Micro-climatology is being examined from data collected from meteorology sensors on Moscow Mountain in Idaho to analyze the effects of micro-scale topographic influences. In addition, a new micro-meteorology will be deployed at the Cook Farm north of Pullman to analyze micro-climatology in minor hilly terrain.
I received my B.S. degree in Meteorology from Metro State University of Denver, with an undergraduate research focus in mountain snowpack and avalanche climatology. While in Denver, I worked as an operational meteorologist for a private weather forecasting service, where I specialized in flash flood forecasting and thunderstorm forecasting in Colorado's Front Range. I arrived at the University of Idaho in Fall 2014 to begin my Master's research in Water Resources under Dr. John Abatzoglou. My research interest is in the atmospheric and orographic influences on cold-season precipitation variability and the subsequent effects on streamflow regimes and water balance in snow-dominated watershed basins.