REACCH Data Dictionary


REACCH Data Dictionary Overview

The REACCH Data Dictionary provides a summary of how information is organized and described within our REACCH data portal.  This document should help you in formulating your search.


Here are some definitions of terms that apply to the REACCH Data Portal:

  • Dataset:  a quantifiable summary of information, typically represented by a matrix of values.  Examples can be spreadsheets, raster data, surveys,
  • Publication: a written narrative that describes information or research as part of the REACCH effort.  Can be journal articles, conference papers or presentations, theses/dissertations, or websites.
  • Content Groupings. A categorization of a grouping of information.  Can pertain to datasets or publications.
  • Content Types. A further breakdown of content groupings.  Can pertain to datasets or publications.

Datasets are uploaded to our REACCH Data Portal, and are meta-tagged and named according to a structured ontology so it can be easily understood and described.  

In addition, publications are stored in our REACCH Data Porta.


REACCH Content Groupings

REACCH Dataset Content Groupings

REACCH datasets that are included within the Data Portal are named according to their functional objective team, as well as the dataset name.  The following is a list of the 8 REACCH functional objective teams:

base (includes base data such as our study area, research station locations)

models (includes climate models, anthromes/agroecozone models, or life cycle analysis models)

crops (cropping systems data)

monitoring (greenhouse gas emissions monitoring data)

social (social and economic-based data)

biotics (biotic systems data)

education (educational data)

extension (extension data)

Each dataset is given a 'Data' prefix.  The following are, based on the above, examples of REACCH dataset entries and their categorization.


Data: REACCHPNA Biotics - Sweepnet 2012 - a dataset within the biotics area, that has a data name of 'sweepnet', with data collected in 2012.

Data: REACCHPNA Models - Agroecozones 2007 - an agroecozone dataset within the models area, that has a data name of 'Agroecozones 2007', based on data from 2007.

Data: REACCHPNA Base - Studyarea 2012 - a dataset within the 'base' area, that has a data name of 'Studyarea', based on data collected in 2012.


REACCH Dataset Content Types

REACCH dataset content types refers to all datasets, other than those categorized as publications.  Each dataset will have at least one (1) distribution link, listed under the DETAILS page of the entry.  Dataset distribution links may occur in the following forms:


Some datasets may have a spreadsheet link.  Some data entries will have BOTH a web service link and a spreadsheet link, to provide individuals with varying formats of the dataset.

Web service

The majority of REACCH data are distributed as geographic web services. 

Publication Content Groupings

Publication Content Types refer to the various categorizations of publications.

Journal Article

All journal articles will have the term 'Journal Article' listed at the beginning of the entry.  As such, you may search for the term 'Journal Article' and get a list of all such entries in the REACCH Data Portal.

Conference Paper

All conference papers will have the term 'Conference Paper' listed at the beginning of the entry.  As such, you may search for the term 'Conference Paper' and get a list of all such entries in the REACCH Data Portal.

Conference Presentation

All conference presentations will have the term 'Conference Presentation' listed at the beginning of the entry.  As such, you may search for the term 'Conference Presentation' and get a list of all such entries in the REACCH Data Portal.


All webinars will have the term 'Webinar' listed at the beginning of the entry.  As such, you may search for the term 'Webinar' and get a list of all such entries in the REACCH Data Portal.


All websites will have the term 'Website' listed at the beginning of the entry.  As such, you may search for the term 'Website' and get a list of all such entries in the REACCH Data Portal.


All Theses will have the term 'Thesis' listed at the beginning of the entry.  As such, you may search for the term 'Thesis' and get a list of all such entries in the REACCH Data Portal.


All dissertations will have the term 'Dissertation' listed at the beginning of the entry.  As such, you may search for the term 'Dissertation' and get a list of all such entries in the REACCH Data Library.

Publication Content Types

Each of the potential publication content type listed above will have a type listing, listed at the the end of the publication citation.  The potential publication types are as follows:


Awaiting Publication


In Press


Under Review


You may search the Data Library using these terms to additionally find entries that contain these types.

Each publication is given a prefix based on its' content type. The following are, based on the above, examples of REACCH dataset entries and their categorization.


REACCH Data Dictionary Data List and Descriptions


Data and Publication Search Options


In order to use the Data Search within the REACCH Data Portal, users need to follow the following protocol:

1. To search for a keyword, type that keyword into the search box and hit 'Enter'

2. To search for two or more keywords that appear in all entries, use a + sign between the search keywords.

eg. Biotics+Sweepnet+Pantrap

3. To search for multiple group keyword searches, us a + between the words and commas between the groups.  Example:  I want to find an entry that contains Agroecozones and 2007, as well as Sweepnet and 2012: (Note: make sure to put a space after EACH comma)

Agroecozone+2007, Sweepnet+2012