Correlational Coefficient

Pearson’s correlation coefficient between seasonal temperature and (1i) Multivariate El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Index (MEI), (2ii) Pacific North American (PNA) index after removing the linear contribution from PNA (PNAr), (3iii) SLP1 index after removing the linear contribution from MEI and PNA (SLP1r), (4iv) volcanic aerosols(Vol), (5v) solar variability(Sol), and (6vi) man-man factors(Ant). The boxplots (right four columns) show the 95% confidence interval, interquartile range, and median f correlations by the light shading, dark shading, and solid line, respectively. (right four columns) Reconstructed contribution to seasonal temperature from due to (1i) natural climate variability, (2ii) volcanic aerosols, (3iii) solar variability, and (4iv) man-made factors. The 95% confidence interval, interquartile range, and median of estimates are denoted by the light gray shading, red shading, and black line, respectively.